Epiphany [\i-ˈpi-fə-nē\]
Definition : 1.
an appearance or manifestation especially of a divine being
2. a (1) : a usually sudden manifestation or
perception of the essential nature or meaning of
(2) : an intuitive grasp of reality through something (as an event) usually
simple and
striking (3) : an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure
striking (3) : an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure
: a revealing scene or moment
Infinitesimal [\(ˌ)in-ˌfi-nə-ˈte-sə-məl, -zə-məl\]
Definition : 1. N. (mathematics) a variable that has
zero as its limit
2. Adj.
infinitely or immeasurably small; "two minute whiplike threads of
protoplasm"; "reduced
to a microscopic scale"
Synonyms : microscopic,
minute, tiny, wee, atomic, insignificant, negligible, minuscule, teeny,
unnoticeable, teensy-weensy,
Antonyms : great, large, huge, vast, enormous, infinite
Hedonistic [\ˈhē-də-ˌni-zəm\]
Definition : 1.
Pursuit of or devotion to pleasure, especially to the pleasures of the senses.
2. Philosophy The
ethical doctrine holding that only what is pleasant or has pleasant
consequences is intrinsically good.
3. Psychology The
doctrine holding that behavior is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the
of pain.
Synonyms : pleasure-seeking,
self-indulgent, luxurious, voluptuous, sybaritic, epicurean, bacchanalian
Curmudgeonly [\(ˌ)kər-ˈmə-jən\]
Definition : brusque
and surly and forbidding; "crusty remarks"; "a crusty old man";
"his curmudgeonly
temper"; "gruff manner"; "a
gruff reply"
Synonyms : gruff,
ill-humored, ill-humoured, crusty
Imprisonment [\im-ˈpri-zən\]
Definition : 1. putting someone in prison or in jail as
lawful punishment
2. the state of being imprisoned; "he was
held in captivity until he died"; "the imprisonment of
soldiers"; "his ignominious incarceration in the local jail";
"he practiced the
immurement of his
enemies in the castle dungeon"
3. the act of confining someone in a prison (or
as if in a prison)
Synonyms : confinement,
custody, detention, captivity, incarceration, internment, duress
Antonyms : discharge,
free, liberate, release
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